Each exercise in Cueist is played against a virtual opponent called the Ghost.
When you make a successful shot (pocket the object ball and place the cue ball in the correct position for position drills), you earn a point.
If you miss, the point goes to the Ghost. The game ends when either you or the Ghost reaches the designated number of points (for example, in “a race to 3”, the game ends when either player reaches 3 points).
Drills are scored using scoring beads. If you make a shot, move a bead to the right. If you miss, move a bead to the left.
Once either you or the Ghost reaches the required number of points, a pop-up will appear allowing you to post the drill's results.
Retry allows you to try a drill again. It's only available for Ghost 3 drills and only if you have lost the match. Each drill has one retry attempt.
When you put a drill in Repeat mode, it will be served again after some time.
Drills that go into spaced repetition are automatically chosen according to several criteria. If you want, you can manually choose additional drills for spaced repetition. However, we recommend that you don't do this often, so that the algorithm can optimize the repetition schedule based on your performance.
Drills are automatically removed from spaced repetition when you reach the required success rate or if your improvement rate is too slow. If you wish to stop practicing a certain drill, you can also manually remove it from the repetition schedule.
To adjust the volume of the app's background sound effects, follow these steps:
If the sound is on, but the app is not playing sounds, try turning up your device's volume. Also, make sure that your device is not in silent mode.
Cueist can only be used online. The app needs an Internet connection as it constantly updates the data between your device and our servers (adjusting the training drills based on your input, recalculating ratings and statistics, etc.).
Try following these steps: